Sunday, May 17, 2020

Developing a Thesis Statement - 607 Words

Developing a Thesis Statement After choosing a topic, it is important to understand the role a thesis statement in the essay. A thesis statement serves as a road sign that gives sign of what the writing is intended to tackle; it is the answer to the question asked. A thesis statement is an assertion; it takes a stand announcing the writers position on the topic. It is important for the writer to explore the topic to find a particular narrow subject. It is also important for the writer to know the purpose and audience of the paper. A thesis statement for a narrative essay needs to be vivid and captivating. The starting point is asking a question. A thesis can be developed by answering a question. For example a family reunion, what role does a family reunion play in strengthening the family? Then formulation of a sentence that serves as a thesis: family reunion plays a key role of strengthening family ties by†¦ here it is advisable for the writer to follow a rigid structure, know the basic formula to keep the statement within the acceptable length as well as to organize the argument. In addition, following a pattern that holds the core idea will aid in developing a clear subject. Here, an idea does something because [reason(s)], Family reunion strengthens family ties [they help keep fond memories]. This then becomes, because [reason(s)], [idea] [does something], because [they help keep fond memories], [family reunion] [strengthens family ties]. 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